What is REDD+?
REDD+ is a sustainable development mechanism designed by the United Nations to reduce global CO2 emissions by addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, protecting its biodiversity and ensuring the participation and improvement of the wellbeing of indigenous peoples and local communities.

R educing

missions from

eforestation and forest


'+' stands for landscape-level approaches that bring additional benefits to communities by understanding the link between improving people's lives while tackling climate change

REDD+ Projects protect trees from the threat of
Trees absorb and store Carbon in their roots, trunks and branches. When deforestation occurs and trees are cut down, this stored Carbon is released into the atmosphere and combines with Oxygen, creating Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas that traps heat and warms our planet. The increase of CO2 concentration intensifies the greenhouse effect and drives the atmosphere to retain more heat than necessary, causing Earth to warm up (global warming) causing climate change.
REDD+ stop deforestation and maintain Carbon stored - in trees - preventing CO2 release into the atmosphere, beyond what would have occurred under usual conditions. Every ton of emissions reduced results in the creation of one Carbon Offset.
1 Carbon Offset
1 Ton of CO2 emission that was not emitted to the atmosphere
Carbon Offsets are issued after strict validation and verification processes completed by independent audit firms against international standard authorities. This assessment process is critical to ensure the integrity of the projects, which are subject to desk and field audits to certify that standards are robust, practical and transparent, and that scientific methodologies are properly applied.
Carbon Offsets are sold to individuals and companies around the world looking to play an active role in tackling climate change and create positive co-benefits for communities. Carbon Offsets revenue ensure our Project financial sustainability.
ACATISEMA and MEDIAMOS F&M joined together in 2012 to design and develop a REDD+ Project
We stop deforestation: we protect 1.150.212 hectares of tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Mataven Forest (RIU-SM for its acronym in Spanish) in Colombia - we avoid an average of 3.622.352 Tons of CO2 per year to be released into the atmosphere - while safeguarding its biodiversity and providing education, healthcare, sanitation, food security & several co-benefits for 15.932 indigenous people.
REDD+ Projects create a global response for a global challenge
Cumaribo, Vichada, Colombia

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